Clarity. Curiosity. Connection. Confidence. Courage.

Creating ripples of awesomeness™

Founder’s Story

I am Brian Kelly, Founder of HUMAN Factors Consulting, LLC. We grow your relationships with the HUMAN factors that empower greater personal and business performance, relationships, and success.

My unhealthy relationship with vulnerability caused me to live from a mindset of fear. I believed “vulnerability meant weakness”. I witnessed “influencers” in my life behave in a way that supported this LEARNED belief, and so this became my LIVED belief.

As I grew my lived experience, I struggled with this LEARNED belief that vulnerability meant weakness. It was incongruent with what I, in my heart and soul, believed. It was directly opposed with what I learned about vulnerability and other HUMAN factors that actually empowered connection, healthy relationships, and high performance. The impact of this on how I saw myself, how I believed others saw me, and how others actually saw me was a directionless life, filled with unhappiness, unhealthy relationships, especially with myself, and falling short of what I wanted out of life personally and professionally.

I suppressed my ideas, muted my voice, and devalued what I had to offer. I felt I had a lot to say, to share, to contribute to life, others’ growth, success, and happiness, and perhaps, most significantly, my own, but I felt muted and lacked the awareness to see differently and BE differently. I felt my ideas were not valued and my voice did not matter. So I suppressed them rather than expressing them.

I felt isolated in a prism of expectations held and created by others. These outdated beliefs and practices left me feeling imprisoned in a world of “be a man”, self-centered command and control “leadership”, and prevalent focus on and prioritization of self-interest over being a catalytic agent for US, all of us, BEcoming and creating better together.

What emerged for me, based on my own lived experience, and working with so many amazing humans across the world on their personal, professional, and leadership development journeys over the past 10 years, was the need for more HUMAN-centered leadership. Leadership that demonstrates VALUING our humanness, each person’s, as our greatest source of strength, personally and collectively. This is the foundation for how we BEcome and create better together.

Let’s create BETTER together…for your business, for your people, and for your valued clients!